Like all my other vacations, the past two weeks were generally governed by where RyanAir could take me for insanely low prices. First stop? Ibiza?? Ibiza is one of the Balearic Islands of Spain, located in the mediterranean. Now, what did Lisa and I know about Ibiza before booking our flight? Very little. A friend of mine had shown me a song called "We're going to Ibiza" by the Vengaboys (look it up...) so I knew it was a desirable destination for those who like Euro-pop, techno, etc. Little did we know what this island actually was.
Upon googling Ibiza, we came to find out that it is the Party Capital of the WORLD. Hm. We just wanted to sit on a beach for a couple days and do nothing too tourist-y... Number 1 place to avoid on Ibiza due to rowdy Brits? San Antonio... where did we book our hotel? Oh yes. So here we are... trekking to party/rage/rave central with a couple of backpacks and a budget of about 15 euros a day. Fortunately for us, it was the off season for Ibiza and there weren't very many tourists around. Well, tons of Brits actually, but it wasn't too bad. We accomplished our beach going and avoided the HUGE club scene that was rampant even during the off season. We found ourselves a nice Scottish pub called Kilties that was blasting Karaoke (my calling...) and called it home for the next few nights. The techno-rave music coming from the clubs did not intrigue us at all. Kilties had an Abba Mega-mix of all their famous songs cut together into one and anyone that knows me knows that I was in heaven. Lisa and I even sang Mamma Mia karaoke... only mildly painful, I hope.
Our days in Ibiza were filled with trying to get by with whatever Spanish I vaguely remembered from college and lounging on the beach. San Antonio may be known for it's club scene, but it's sunsets must be number 2. No words!! It literally looked like the sun and clouds were being sucked under the water on the horizon. I have never seen such beautiful sunsets. Other than that... oh yeah! Apparently Christopher Columbus was born in San Antonio and to mark this
there was a giant egg with a sailboat in it's center. I'll copy and paste the wikipedia comment on this ridiculous monument: "The choice of an egg comes from a story about Columbus, who when seeking funding for his Western route to the Indies, was told it was impossible. He then allegedly asked if standing an egg upright was impossible, and when told that it was, he cracked the base of an egg, thus making it possible for it to stand upright. He was then granted funding." So the egg was cool...
In retrospect, we should have done Ibiza last because it was the most relaxing part of the vacation, but alas, by Tuesday it was time to move on. I ended up spending the night in the Brussels airport, due to lack of funds, before heading on to Bratislava, Slovakia to meet my friend Katie and explore the city for a night... Ibiza to Bratislava. Who am I?
dudddddddddddde...those pictures!!! insane.